Washable nappies, organic clothing for children, baby carriers and slings


My name is Lucia Monterosso, I live in Cremona (north Italy) and I have a daughter born in 2008, a son born in 2010 and another son in 2012. After the birth of my first daughter I never resumed my previous full-time work as a wall paint restorer. This is due in part to the need for family organization and in part to the choice to follow the growth of our children. It was the last pregnancy that gave me the idea of trying to reconcile work and childcare, putting to good use my experiences and the new skills acquired over the years (I also talk about it in this post). Reading a book by blogger and writer Claudia Porta, who then chose to report my story on her blog La Casa nella Prateria, inspired me to open the shop. I had the idea of selling washable diapers with the home store formula because I was using them for my kids, but no one was selling them in my town yet. The business has grown slowly and over time I have added new products for sale.

After working since 2012 with the “home store” formula and having experienced a temporary shop for three months, since March 2016 to June 2023 I had a permanent store in Cremona: Pannolinofelice Showroom and an e-commerce since 2014. I took part in trade fairs and markets or event organized by Purchasing Solidarity Groups: Natural and Healthy Living Fair of LUMEN in S.Pietro in Cerro (PC), monthly biological market in Cremona, Fair of Sustainable Textiles in Crema (CR), Natural Child Fair in Chiari (BS), GAS parties in Brescia and Lodi…

I organized meetings dedicated to mothers or workshops for children and I collaborated with the City of Cremona for public meetings on washable diapers (in 2013 and in 2018).

At the beginning of 2022 I felt the desire to return to my work as a restorer since the needs of the family, with older and independent children, had changed: so for a year I combined work in restoration with the management of the online shop and the opening of Cremona two days a week. But then the time came to make a choice, I no longer had the time to follow Pannolinofelice properly because having two jobs and a family of 5 isn’t easy! So in the spring of 2023 I decided, albeit reluctantly, to close the business and work only as restorer, while keeping the blog active with all the videos and informative articles on this site.

Where did the name “Pannolinofelice”(that is “happynappy”) come from?

He was born on a sleepless night of pregnancy… I was looking for a name linked to diapers in a positive sense, because in my opinion using washable diapers only brings benefits. I tried to explain the reason in this image, which has been my logo for a long time.

I am an happy nappy because… I’m not thrown away, I don’t waste, parents save money, I help my baby to soon get rid of me. Happy me, happy you!

Now Pannolinofelice is no longer just washable diapers, but at the basis of my job there is always the will to propose ecological and useful products for children and parents.


Press review

Lucia Monterosso Pannolinofelice

Mondo Padano – 27/11/2015



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